Требования к представляемым статьям

Требования к представляемым в редакцию статьям

Все статьи должны иметь оформленный по установленным правилам библиографический список, на который в тексте статьи должны содержаться ссылки.

Все рукописи, представляемые для опубликования в журнале, должны быть классифицированы авторами с использованием Государственного рубрикатора научно-технической информации (ГРНТИ) и снабжены кодом ГРНТИ.

Requirements for registration and submission of articles

All articles must be designed according to the rules bibliography (ISO 690:1987 «Information and documentation — Bibliographic references»), which in the text should refer.

All manuscripts submitted for publication in the journal should be classified by the authors using the heading National Index of scientific and technical information (GRNTI) and a code for GRNTI.

The procedure for reviewing scientific articles

Rules of review articles:

  1. Articles must be made in accordance with the requirements of the editorial board, and have a set of necessary documents and details. Materials made in violation of the requirements will be rejected.
  2. Each item is assigned to a reviewer. The reviewer must be a specialist in the relevant field of science.
  3. The reviewer within one month studying article analyzes it, and presents to the journal his review, which recommends a work for publication, or reject it with reasons.
  4. Review carried out by «double-blind» scheme. The authors do not — who is a reviewer for his article. The referee is not informed — who is the author. Using this scheme is aimed at improving the objectivity of the review.
  5. On the basis of the conclusions of the reviewers on articles, articles accepted for publication and is included in the plan of the next issue of the magazine. In case of a negative opinion of the reviewer, the paper is rejected, as reported by the author.